Can blogging improve my SEO ranking? Part 2

In our last blog post, we discussed why it’s crucial for blogging for SEO to keep your website content fresh. For this week’s post, we wanted to elaborate on that point.

Add content without going overboard

When it comes to adding content, it’s best to keep things simple. We are not suggesting you add 50 new webpages to your site each year. (Not only would that be superfluous, it would make navigating your website an absolute nightmare.)

When you add a blog you’ll be creating a single, dedicated place to add new content. Not only will this help keep the search engine algorithms satisfied, it will prevent you from overstimulating the eyes of visitors.

What should I blog about?

Before you start blogging you’ll want to do two things. First, be sure to talk to your digital marketing partner about helping you compile a list of keywords that are relevant to your business. Ranking keywords can change over time, which means the keywords you started out with 5 years ago may need to be refreshed. Once you have a list of keywords and keyword phrases, you can start to come up with some topic ideas.

Your blog topics should be useful and relevant to your business. For example, if you own a Cuban restaurant, you shouldn’t be blogging about this weekend’s little league tournament. (That’s not going to do your any favors.) Instead, consider blogging about traditional Cuban foods for various holidays, such as Christmas, New Years, and La Fiesta de Fuego (Fire Festival), among others.

You could also provide tips about how to prepare various meals, desserts, and dishes, among others. Is your restaurant about to celebrate a milestone? Blog about it. Are you closing for 2 weeks to revamp your dining room? Blog about it.

Remember- the key is to provide readers with interesting, relevant information that will 1) bring them to your website and 2) keep them on your website for a period of time. Both of these things can help boost your SEO ranking.

Promoting your blog posts

Lastly, while blogging is good, promoting your posts is a lot better. The easiest way to do this is to promote them via your social media pages, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Remember, each social media platform has a slightly different demographic, so you’ll want to promote your posts across each of your channels.

For more information on how to add a blog to your website, we can help. Call WBN Marketing of Florida today for a free, no-cost consultation.