Top Reasons Your Website Needs Great Content

How Important is Content to a Website?

If you look back to the early days of the Internet, websites were little more than the online equivalent of a Yellow Pages ad. In most cases, they consisted of a landing page with the company’s logo, contact info, and a quick blurb that talked about their products or services. Today, however, the landscape has changed dramatically, with a strong emphasis on creating great content for websites that engages users and drives success.

Today, the Internet is a lot different. 

As technology evolved, the search engine algorithms started to learn that websites that were more interesting to users were getting more hits, and websites that had good content, useful information, and were easy to navigate, were largely preferred by consumers. These websites quickly began to rank better than their counterparts.

Why is Good Content Important for Website?

When it comes to website rankings, there are several things that the search engine crawlers take into consideration.

Content and dwell rate are among them.

Dwell rate refers to how long a person is on your website before they click away. If you own a specialty bakery but your website has more information about the local softball league than it does about the types of cakes you offer, there’s a good chance that people aren’t going to stay on your webpage for long.

When people click away quickly, the search engines take notice, and your SEO ranking gets dinged.

There are a few reasons for that. First, websites that have established themselves as being an authority on a given topic get ranking preference. Why? Because search engines want to provide people with high-quality results that are relevant to the terms they’re searching.

 For example, if you thought you were walking into a grocery store, but instead, the aisles were lined with auto parts, would you spend a lot of time there?  No.  In this case, the branding wouldn’t have matched the company’s mission—and if that storefront were a website—the search engine algorithm would ding its ranking

When you have great content, people will spend more time on your website. In some cases, they’ll click from page to page to read more about your business, the services you provide and different life hacks you may have for whatever problem happens to mail them.

Suffice to say, websites with great content have a higher dwell rate. They also rank far better in a Google search.

Call our office today to learn more

If you have additional questions about how well-written web pages and blogs can help improve your website ranking, call WBN Marketing of Florida today at 239-592-0060 to speak with a SEO expert.