Yes, Online Reviews Can Help You Grow Your Business

video content SEO

Back before the Internet, when people needed to buy a product or service, they were often left to their own devices. In many cases, purchasing decisions were made based on which company had the best and biggest ad in the Yellow Pages. Or, in some cases, decisions were made based on which companies had enough […]

Can video content improve your SEO? The answer is yes.

video content SEO

Lots of small business owners wonder if adding video content to their website (and blog posts) can improve their search engine optimization (SEO) for video content SEO. The answer is a resounding yes—if they do it correctly. For example, adding video should be thoughtful. It’s not just about tracking down a clip that you like […]

Reasons to keep your marketing budget in an economic downturn, Part 2

Digital Marketing Budget

In our last blog post we touched upon the importance of maintaining your digital marketing budget during an economic downturn. For this post, we wanted to expand upon that commentary. Tips to recession-proof your marketing strategy An August 2022 press release from Analytic Partners, a company that collects and analyzes data as a means of […]

Reasons to keep your marketing budget in an economic downturn, Part 1

Digital Marketing Budget

Economists throughout the nation have been projecting that the US will enter a mild recession during the first half of 2023. And while economic growth (and the labor market) is not expected to weaken anywhere near close to what happened in 2020, a downturn is on the horizon. Suffice to say, lots of small business […]

Tips to for YouTube marketing efforts

YouTube marketing for business

Tips to for YouTube marketing efforts We’ve written more than a few blogs about the benefits of YouTube marketing for business, and if you haven’t taken that plunge yet, it may be worth considering.  And if you’re worried that you don’t have access to a professional film crew, video editors, or graphic designers to help […]

Digital marketing predictions for 2023

blogging for SEO

Happy New Year everyone! Now that 2022 has come to an end, lots of small business owners are focusing on the months ahead- especially in that it appears as if the US is on the verge of an economic slowdown. Amidst these uncertainties, discussions around Digital Marketing Predictions 2023 are gaining momentum. So what’s on […]