Managing your social media presence after a natural disaster

The past 2.5 years have been crazy, to say the least. First, businesses throughout the world needed to modify how they communicated with (and sold their products and services to) customers during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing heavily on their social media presence.  And now, many Florida business owners who live and work in areas that were hit hard by Hurricane Ian, are adapting yet again.

The other thing to remember, is that while Ian left the state several weeks ago, hurricane season doesn’t end for another month. Consequently, we’re not out of the woods just yet.

After a large storm, most business owners don’t think about social media, but social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, are a great way to communicate with (and maintain contact with)  your clients.

Keeping up with your online presence and using your social platforms to talk about area resources, food and clothing drives, and other tips for helping community members in need, helps keep customers updated on key happenings within the area.

Are local residents without water? Let them know where they can pick up free bottles of water in the area.  Is the power out, but you’ve gotten updates about when the electricity is going to be restored in various areas?  Let your customers know.

You can also post updates letting your clients know that you and your staff are safe, along with when your business is likely to reopen.  For example, “Just a quick update to let you know that everyone on our team is safe.  We’re currently closed due to [Hurricane X or Tropical Storm Y), but we expect to reopen by the end of the week.

Lastly, be sure to keep your social media content positive and professional.  If you have issues or complaints with the way that the local government, power companies, or disaster relief efforts are handling the current situation, your company’s social media channels are not the place to share your grievances.

Remember the tone you’ve established for your brand, and be sure to stick with it.  Keep your content informative, relevant, and interesting.

In closing

If you’re interested in learning more about how you should modify your online marketing efforts, including your social media marketing strategies, after a natural disaster, we can help.  Call WBN Marketing today to speak with a local expert.

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