Top 4 ways real estate agents can use social media to promote their business

Real estate agents undoubtedly have an online presence, particularly through real estate social media marketing. Not only do they have listings posted on the MLS, their name (and the name of the agency they work for) are bound to show up on search engines. Suffice to say, it’s highly important that real estate agents are proactive in shaping an online presence that’s reflective of their business, their personality, and perhaps most importantly, their successes.

Why social media is important

The amount of daily online traffic generated by social media websites, such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, is staggering. For example, recent data suggests that Facebook has more than 1.9 billion daily users, TokTok has more than 1 billion daily users, and Instagram has 500+ million daily users.

Agents that use social media don’t need to worry about directing traffic to the platforms they’re using. Instead, they should focus their efforts on directing part of that traffic to their channels.

So what’s the formula?  We’ll tell you.

By this point in your career you likely know that search engine algorithms help determine your SEO ranking.  What you may not realize, is that social media platforms have algorithms of their own.  The more engagement your page (and your posts) get, the more likely your posts and videos are to show up in users’ feeds.

Engaging, user-friendly content

Successful use of social media for real estate agents requires more than tossing up photos of your listings. Below are just a few of the things you can do to attract users’ attention.

  • Don’t just promote the house. In addition to showing off the listing, post a video that highlights the various features, advantages, and benefits of the neighborhood.
  • Be an educational resource. Lots of buyers have questions about the market, regardless as to whether they’re an aspiring first-time homeowner or if they’re about to purchase their 4th rental property. Educational videos often get a lot of engagement.
  • Respond to comments. Should you interact with the people who comment on your posts? Absolutely. Don’t just respond to positive comments. If you receive negative feedback, respond to that too.
  • Be authentic. If you’re familiar with The Home Edit, you’ve likely heard that the company was started on social media. And, part of the reason the owners have become so successful, is they post genuine, unscripted, authentic content. Regardless as to whether you’re posting text, videos, or photos, always be yourself.

Do you have questions about how to use social media to grow your real estate business? We can help. Call WBN Marketing today to speak with an expert.