Responsive web design: What it is and why you need it

When the Internet was first developed, the only way that people had access to it was via desktop and laptop computers. Today, however, most Internet searches, including those for are initiated on a handheld device. Suffice to say, having a Responsive web design website that understands which type of device it’s being viewed on (and a website that’s coded to modify its design and display type depending on the size of a user’s screen), is more important than ever.

This is important for several reasons. First, if you don’t have responsive web design and your website is optimized to be viewed on a laptop computer, if someone tries to view it on a smart phone, what they’ll get is the visual equivalent of trying to force a square peg through a round phone. It just doesn’t work.

A second thing to keep in mind, is that when this happens, users are likely to click away from your website very, very quickly. This can and will have a negative effect on your SEO ranking.

How website developers handled this in the past

After the iPhone was released, web developers began creating separate websites for their clients. The first was optimized to be viewed on desktop devices, whereas the second was optimized for handheld devises. Not only was this an expensive undertaking for business owners, the time and cost associated with maintaining two websites was excessive.

In 2010, a web designer came up with a new idea. Instead of developing 2 websites, he proposed creating one that would respond to users screen size. Using this model, websites would adjust its display based on the type of device it was being viewed on.

Optimized browsing experience

Not only does responsive web design enhance users’ experience, they help minimize your bounce rate. Again, if customers click on your website only to find out that it’s impodible to view on their smart phone, they’re going to click back and move onto the next listing in their search results.  When this happens, they’ll be heading right into the arms of your competitors.

In closing

If you feel like it’s time to update your website, or you have concerns that your current website isn’t optimized for mobile searches, we can help. The team at WBN Marketing has years of experience in helping small and medium-sized businesses enhance their SEO, their users’ experience, and improve their digital marketing ROI. For more information or to schedule a free, no-cost consultation, call our office today to get started.