Two key things that can boost (or kill) your SEO ranking

In the realm of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) is king. Why? Because if users can’t find you when they initiate a search online, you’re not doing yourself, your business, or your bottom line, any favors. To boost SEO ranking, it’s essential to ensure your website is easily discoverable by users.

Unfortunately, a lot of people still think that SEO is entirely about keywords, but that’s definitely not the case. Are keywords important? Yes. Should you have your keywords refreshed from time to time to ensure that the terms and phrases you’re still using are still relevant? Absolutely. But SEO is about a lot more than words on a webpage.

Below are just a few of the other things that you can do (and should be doing) to help boost your website’s ranking.

High-quality content is important

The Google algorithm favors websites that have informative, well-written content. It doesn’t matter if you are the #1 company in your industry, you have the best staff, and sell the best product or service.  If your website is filled with poorly written, misspelled content, users aren’t going to spend a lot of time on it.  When people click through to your website and they click the back tab about as fast as they got there, the algorithm is going to take notice.  It will also assume that the search term that’s brining users there isn’t a good match for your business.  At the end of the day, this is going to hurt your ranking.

Remember- the goal is not just to get people to your website—you also want to keep them there.  Your content should be easy to read, easy to digest, and relevant to your industry. For example, if you own a boutique clothing store, August / September blogs about back-to-school fashion are a safe bet.  Blogs about NFL teams and pre-season scores, are not (regardless as to how much you love your hometown team.)

Monitor your load speeds

A second thing to consider is how fast your webpages load. If someone clicks on a link and it doesn’t load quickly, this could also send them back to Google’s search results list (and into the arms of one of your competitors.)  In today’s fast-paced world, no one wants to wait for 5-10 seconds for a website to load – regardless as to how great that website’s content is.

In closing

For more information about the things you should be doing to boost your website’s SEO ranking, we can help. Call WBN Marketing today to speak with an expert.