Yes, Your Website Needs SEO

A few weeks ago, a friend of one of our staff members contacted her because he was having some problems with his website. He’d been working as an auctioneer for the past several years, and while his website had been online for a while, people still couldn’t find his business and he wanted to improve online visibility.

“I wanted to know if there’s something I can do to get my website to show up on the first page of a Google search,” he said. “How can I make this happen?”

The aesthetics of his website were fantastic, but it lacked SEO optimization. It didn’t use keywords or metatags, nor did it utilize anchor text, alt text (for images), and it didn’t have descriptions and titles for each page.

Suffice to say, we were happy to sit down with him, explain what the issues were, and develop a plan to get his website to where it needed to be.

Why SEO matters

Let’s say you own a bakery. It’s staffed by world-renowned chefs, you only use the best and finest ingredients, and each and every one of your cakes tastes as if it was sprinkled with magic.

Now, imagine that this bakery is located in the heart of the Amazon jungle. It doesn’t matter how great your staff is, or how great your products are—if people can’t find your business, they’re never going to buy from you.

In this example, SEO would be the infrastructure that helps bring roads to your establishment. In addition to roads and bridges, a second SEO component may include adding signage along the inbound highways, and advertisement boards that are prominently placed in nearby towns and airports. All of this is to help let customers know where you are, what you do, and that you’re open for business.

Not having an SEO optimized website is a bit like opening a bakery in the middle of the jungle. Optimizing your website using various SEO strategies, can and will help Internet users find you.

Final thoughts

Lastly, you’ll want to keep in mind that SEO isn’t a one-shot process. The search engine algorithms are constantly changing, which means that the SEO strategies that worked well last year may not work as well today. This is a process you’ll need to revisit every 6-12 months.

For more information about the benefits of SEO optimization and/or to receive a free SEO report, call WBN Marketing today to speak with an expert.