Responsive web design: What it is and why you need it

responsive web design

When the Internet was first developed, the only way that people had access to it was via desktop and laptop computers. Today, however, most Internet searches, including those for are initiated on a handheld device. Suffice to say, having a Responsive web design website that understands which type of device it’s being viewed on (and […]

Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2024: Part 2

digital marketing trends 2024

Last week we touched upon some of the top digital marketing trends 2024 – but that list was by no means comprehensive. Below are some other online marketing trends that you’ll want to stay on top of. Social media stores are gaining in popularity When brands post content to their social media pages- the posts […]

Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2024: Part 1

Digital Marketing Trends

If there’s one thing that can be said for the digital marketing trends realm, it’s that change is constant.  Trends in digital marketing change from year to year- which means what worked well for you in 2019 may not work as well for you today. Below are just a few of the things you’ll want […]

How to Market Your Business on YouTube in 2024

YouTube marketing for business

In the past several years we’ve written numerous posts about the benefits of youtube marketing for business. Not only does the platform have 2.1 billion monthly global users, as of October 2022, roughly 122 million users visited the website each day. Suffice to say, if you’re not using YouTube to market your business, you’re missing […]

How to SEO optimize your blogs

Digital Marketing Terms

Online marketers understand that SEO rankings, including blog SEO optimization, play a crucial role in helping business owners grow their bottom line. Remember- companies that perform well in a Google search (i.e., their website shows up on the first page of search results) not only get more visits to their website, in many cases, they […]

Is SEO a one-and-done process? The answer may surprise you

Digital Marketing Terms

Small business owners throughout the globe understand the importance of small business SEO. Why? Because websites that aren’t SEO optimized perform less well in search result rankings, receive fewer visitors, and generate less revenue. We’ll give you an example.  We recently talked to a woman named “Anne.”  Anne developed her business in a niche market, […]

4 Digital Marketing Terms You Should Familiarize Yourself With Before 2023

Digital Marketing Terms

Regardless as to whether you’re a new business owner who is about to launch a brand, or you’re a long-time business owner interested in updating your digital marketing strategy, below are just a few of the digital marketing terms you should familiarize yourself with before the new year. Brand awareness Simply stated, brand awareness helps […]

How to advertise your brand on LinkedIn

Last week, we talked about the benefits of advertising on TikTok. However, if your online marketing team feels that advertising on LinkedIn would be a better way to reach your target demographic, below are just a few of the things you’ll want to keep in mind. According to the LinkedIn ads blog, their ad platform […]

Social media advertising: How to launch a TikTok campaign

Lots of business owners understand that social media marketing is a cost-effective way to reach their target client base.  Regardless as to whether you’re advertising on Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook, if you’re interested in marketing your products to GenZ, you should also consider advertising on TikTok. Why? Because the platform’s stats are impressive. According to […]