Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2024: Part 2

digital marketing trends 2024

Last week we touched upon some of the top digital marketing trends 2024 – but that list was by no means comprehensive. Below are some other online marketing trends that you’ll want to stay on top of. Social media stores are gaining in popularity When brands post content to their social media pages- the posts […]

Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2024: Part 1

Digital Marketing Trends

If there’s one thing that can be said for the digital marketing trends realm, it’s that change is constant.  Trends in digital marketing change from year to year- which means what worked well for you in 2019 may not work as well for you today. Below are just a few of the things you’ll want […]

How to Market Your Business on YouTube in 2024

YouTube marketing for business

In the past several years we’ve written numerous posts about the benefits of youtube marketing for business. Not only does the platform have 2.1 billion monthly global users, as of October 2022, roughly 122 million users visited the website each day. Suffice to say, if you’re not using YouTube to market your business, you’re missing […]

Top Reasons Your Website Needs Great Content

great content for websites

How Important is Content to a Website? If you look back to the early days of the Internet, websites were little more than the online equivalent of a Yellow Pages ad. In most cases, they consisted of a landing page with the company’s logo, contact info, and a quick blurb that talked about their products […]

What Is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive website design has been gaining a lot of traction in recent years. Simply stated, responsive web design is when a designer creates a website that “reacts” to the type of device it’s being viewed on; the design and display of the site will be altered depending on whether it’s being viewed on a smartphone, […]

More Testimonials From Our Clients

Digital marketing agency

Last week we shared several of our favorite testimonials. This week– we decided we wanted to showcase a few more. Are you ready to learn more about how partnering with a local digital marketing agency can help you grow your business? Call our office today to schedule a free consultation.

Can blogging improve my SEO ranking? Part 2

Digital Marketing Budget

In our last blog post, we discussed why it’s crucial for blogging for SEO to keep your website content fresh. For this week’s post, we wanted to elaborate on that point. Add content without going overboard When it comes to adding content, it’s best to keep things simple. We are not suggesting you add 50 […]

Can blogging improve my SEO ranking? Part 1

blogging for SEO

At WBN Marketing of Florida, our clients often ask about the types of things they can do to improve their SEO ranking. As we’ve mentioned countless times in the past, a page-1 ranking slot can be worth its weight in gold. On the other hand, if your website ranks on page 2, 3, or 4 […]

Tips For Posting Eye-Catching Social Media Stories

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is a great way to connect with your customers. Not only are social media campaigns far less expensive than more traditional forms of marketing, these types of campaigns can often prompt levels of consumer engagement that you simply can’t get by purchasing print or billboard ads. Why social media marketing is powerful […]