Responsive web design: What it is and why you need it

responsive web design

When the Internet was first developed, the only way that people had access to it was via desktop and laptop computers. Today, however, most Internet searches, including those for are initiated on a handheld device. Suffice to say, having a Responsive web design website that understands which type of device it’s being viewed on (and […]

What Is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive website design has been gaining a lot of traction in recent years. Simply stated, responsive web design is when a designer creates a website that “reacts” to the type of device it’s being viewed on; the design and display of the site will be altered depending on whether it’s being viewed on a smartphone, […]

2 signs that it’s time to redesign your website

Your website redesign can make a powerful first impression—and you’ll want to make sure you’re relaying the right message. For example, if your website looks old and outdated, it’s not easy to navigate, and/or it’s not optimized for mobile searches, this could send potential clients running for the hills. You can think of your website […]